VIRTUAL EVENTS: The Franklin Institute presents: Franklin@Home | What’s happening in Ft.Worth

VIRTUAL EVENTS: The Franklin Institute presents: Franklin@Home

*The event has already taken place on this date: Fri, 06/12/2020
Stay connected and feed your curiosity with Franklin@Home, all-new digital science offerings from The Franklin Institute. Take a virtual tour of the Giant Heart, explore NightSkies@Home, and get your daily dose of live science, experiments and recipes—because science never stops. Follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and join our email list.

Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.

Weekly Facebook Live Events  

  • Mondays at 3 PM | COVID-19 Q&A Reinforcing the Institute’s reputation as a trusted source for science communication, Chief Bioscientist Jayatri Das, Ph.D., delivers the latest COVID-19 updates and takes questions from audiences, garnering nearly 102,000 cumulative views since March 16.
  • Tuesdays at 5:30 PM | Science Happy Hour @ The Search Bar Raise a glass to science. Local scientists join our resident bartender and adult programs specialist Adam Piazza for a digital happy hour on Facebook or Instagram Live. Virtual attendees can learn how to make one of our featured scientists’ favorite drinks, along with some of its history, and then cheers to a live Q&A session.
  • Wednesdays at 3 PM | #FranklinOutside Once weekly, Rachel Valletta, Ph.D., the Institute’s Environmental Scientist, delivers a Facebook live video on a topic related to the environment or climate education—including the launch event on how to spot and kill spotted lanternfly eggs. During Valletta’s Franklin Outside weekly episodes, nearly 27,000 individuals have joined since April 8.
  • Thursdays at 7:45 PM | NightSkies@Home with Chief Astronomer Derrick Pitts In a virtual adaptation of Night Skies – a popular in-museum community event—Pitts inspires the curious to discover the night sky from their backyard and to-date the once-weekly Night Skies@Home has received nearly 56,000 views since April 2.
  •  LIVE Zoom Events    

    Science + Stories engages children through an interactive read-aloud of a children’s book followed by a simple hands-on science demonstration using household materials. Science + Stories is a virtual adaptation of Leap into Science, a national science and literacy program led by The Franklin Institute. Wednesdays at 11:00 AM | Zoom Webinar with chat | Children ages 3-8 

    Live Science Shows is an interactive, explosive live show led by a science educator from their home, delivered directly to the homes of students and families. A virtual adaptation of Traveling Science Shows, which typically take place in a school assembly setting. Fridays at 1:00 PM + Tuesdays at 11:00 AM | Zoom Webinar with chat | K–8 grade | Member Exclusive 

    Virtual Professional Development for Educators

    Since 2014, the Institute has offered dynamic professional development experiences for educators from our experts in the science of learning—now, adapted virtually and available for free.

    Tuesday, 5/19 3:00 PM Prioritizing Students’ Social-Emotional Well-Being in Remote Learning will share expertise around the science of emotions in the brain and specific strategies for boosting emotional awareness and regulation for students. Special Guest: Author Hallee Adelman.

    Kitchen Science features gooey and delicious experiments live from the kitchens of our talented science presenters. Chat with our educators and learn how to recreate the experiments from home.

    Friday, May 29 at 1:00 PM | Zoom Webinar with chat | Youth ages 6–18

    Engaging Science Resources

    Science Recipes

    Kid-friendly with a dash of fun and a dollop of laughter, each science recipe is custom-made for families using everyday household ingredients—with a new collection added each week.


    With a fresh release each week, these short, informative videos showcase a single demonstration led by science educators who let their personalities shine as they demonstrate the effect of helium on their voices, the flammability of plant spores, and the proper method of hand-washing. Filmed from home or remotely. Coming in May: Astronaut Test, Static Electricity, Heart Dissection, Rainbows

     The Current

    Through blog posts, the Institute leverages its role as a trusted source of leading-edge science communication by delivering up-to-date coverage of the science around current events, along with behind-the-scenes looks inside the museum’s collections, programs, events, and people.

    For details and registration information on all free public, member, and educator events and opportunities, visit

    The Franklin Institute remains closed in compliance with city and government orders to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. During this time, the museum continues to advance its mission “to inspire a passion for learning about science and technology.” Through the use of digital channels, the Franklin Institute can continue to offer a valuable science learning experience, which may be especially helpful to families and all who are self-isolating at this time.

    As a non-profit organization, the Franklin Institute relies on ticket sales, memberships, event sales, and donations to operate. The closure will have a significant financial impact, and The Franklin Institute is encouraging its supporters to consider donating at this time.

    To view the Franklin@Home offerings, visit the museum’s website (, Facebook page (, Instagram account (, Twitter feed (, and YouTube channel (TheFranklinPhila). Sign up to receive updates via email at


*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


Open House
2970 Bronson Road
Fairfield, CT, 06824
United States


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