Fall Registration
*The event has already taken place on this date: Sun, 09/10/2023
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American Seekers Academy is filling up fast! Our 3 day a week core classes are taught by certified teachers and are based on highly vetted classical curriculum. Enroll your child for Rochester's top education, no wokeness just academics.
A brief desciption of our core classes:
Literacy program:
'The Journey from Spelling to Reading' is a masterly envisioned curriculum for writing, spelling and reading using a phonics based approach. Classic children’s literature teaches readers how to seek meaning in the world and unifying traits in human nature. Our literacy courses will explore examples of the best children’s literature, including Aesop’s Fables, Beauty and the Beast, The Snow Queen, and The Wind in the Willows. This comprehensive program based on the sound linguistic theory of an Orton-based literacy program, a scientific backed approach that involves breaking reading and spelling down into smaller skills involving letters and sounds, and then building on these over time wiring children's brains to think deeply. With instruction in both manuscript and cursive handwriting, students learn the alphabetic code which includes 72 common English phonograms, orthography, vocabulary, writing and grammar, reading from accuracy to automaticity, and reading comprehension.
Dimensions Math:
Instead of pushing repetition and memorization, students learn to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in previous lessons. Dimensions Math is written by American educators that are experts in Singapore Math, a method consistently ranking at the top in international math testing. Students will feel confident about math using this approach as it enables students to become more successful problem solvers focusing on conceptual depth, preparing them to excel in more advanced math. Some of the key features of this approach are CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, number bonds, bar modeling, and mental math.
1776 History:
Young patriots will be inspired to learn how our Constitution recognizes where our rights come from, restrains power and preserves liberty in this highly anticipated Hillsdale Curriculum. Students will enjoy learning civics and government in an engaging environment that encourages questions and celebrates American heritage. Instead of exchanging their rights for a false sense of security, students will learn the importance of living virtuously listening to stories about pre-European Exploration through Reconstruction and gain a deep appreciation for their homeland in the process.
Science Seekers:
Using experiment kits and a student notebook, this class runs 3 days/ week, each day focusing on one of the following sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students utilize the scientific method to engage in the world around them, discover patterns in the universe and find simple answers to their biggest questions. Exploring the relationship of the smallest particles to the largest quasars, young scientists will begin to uncover the mysteries of the matter universe.
Major Topics Covered in Chemistry
* Atoms & Elements
* The Periodic Table
* Solids, Liquids, and Gases
* Chemical Reactions
* Polymers and Plastics
Major Topics Covered in Biology
* Microscopic World
* Biological Classifications
* Major Ecosystems
* Ecology and Conservation
* Louis Pasteur
Major Topics Covered in Physics 1:
* Forces and Motion
* Simple Machines
* Light and Sound
* Electricity and Magnetism
* Famous Inventors
*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.