How to post summer camps to KidsOutAndAbout's summer camp calendar | What’s happening in Ft.Worth

How to post summer camps to KidsOutAndAbout's summer camp calendar

It is free to post camps to the KidsOutAndAbout Summer Camp Calendar!

If your organization does not yet have an account on KidsOutAndAbout yet, first get listed!

1) Get yourself a personal login account (upper right-hand corner of any KOAA page or click here.)

2) From your new My Account page, click Add Organization. Complete the form, being sure not to skip the fourth tab (Categories) or the fifth tab (Graphics) so you appear in all applicable lists AND your listing looks pretty.

3) As soon as we see your information on our admin desk, we'll approve it for viewing by the public or get back to you with questions. Either way, we'll be sending you an email notifying you that you now have admin status and can log back in now (or anytime, but preferably immediately while you have the momentum) to post to our calendar. 

Now, once you are listed...

If camps were posted in previous years:

It's especially easy to post if your camps were on our calendar last year. In that case, just do the following:

1) Log in. (If your computer doesn't remember your login ID, hit request new password. If that doesn't work, email our VP of Operations, June Santini. She'll get a new password right back to you.

2) You'll see your main organization listing (or, for some, multiple organization accounts) on your My Account page. Scroll down a little and you'll see any upcoming activities that have been posted to our events or camp calendars (if any have already been posted).

3) Find the PAST ACTIVITIES button on the right-hand side just over your organization account details. Click that and you'll see all of your past activities.

4) Click on last year's camp to see the details. You'll be paging your way through the different tabs to see everything that was posted.

5) Change the relevant info & dates. On the "Who what where when how much" tab, erase the old dates in the calendar and click the new upcoming dates. Remember, all of the dates that the camp is offered should be clicked in the calendar, not just the first or last date. If your camp is really a once-per-week summer program, it still qualifies as a camp... click all of the dates for the summer that the camp is offered.

6) Make sure that all information has been examined on all tabs to be sure it's up to date with this year's information. Then scroll down and...

7) Hit Save!


To enter brand-new camp weeks to our calendar:

1) Log in.

2) From your My Account page, find the ADD CAMP button in the middle of the page.

3) Complete the form, being sure to click the "Next" button at the bottom of each page to go on to the next page. Remember, all of the dates that the camp is offered should be clicked in the calendar, not just the first or last date. That might be a fair amount of clicks!

4) Hit Save!


What if my summer program is really a once-per-week class, not a full-day camp?

If what you're offering is a specialty program that is just offered as a summer series, post it as a camp, that's fine. It's a summer program, so we want it to appear on our camp calendar. However, if it's a ONE-DAY class or workshop, then post it as an event instead; it will get a lot more attention on our events calendar.



    • If you want to cut down on your data entry, you can enter ONE camp listing for the entire summer, with the title of the camp being something like "Summer Camp at Camp _____." You'd paste in a LOT of data about your various camp weeks in the long description. Then you'd click all of the dates in the entire summer on which you're holding camp. And whoosh, hit the save button, and you're done.


    • But if you want to be more effectively enticingly in front of parents, you can post each different camp, and/or each different themed week, as a separate camp. If our readers (85% parents, 15% grandparents, 82% women) see that you're offering Superhero Camp and Fairy Flower Camp and Middle School Adventure Camp listed separately on our calendar, that really makes the point that you have lots of rich offerings; those titles catch parents' eye more effectively. And to make it easier: You can enter the first camp, then hit the Clone link, change the details and dates, and Save for the second camp, hit the Clone link again, and so on. That saves time.


    • Each time you post a new camp, make sure the title is something different from the last camp. (Our system tends to collapse the viewing on activities with the same name so you only see it once, which can be confusing.)


    • Doing more work has its own rewards. It all depends upon the time you have available and tolerance for yet another form. We've tried to make it as painless as possible.