FRENCH ONLINE - all levels Grades Jk to 12
FRENCH and French Immersion ONLINE 1-on-1 tutoring.
Learning Tree Tutors helps students of all ages and levels develop French language skills quickly and easily. Our private French tutoring classes in Toronto are the best way to learn, and each student will get personalized lessons tailored to fit their needs and learning style.
Our creative learning programs closely follow the Ontario curriculum for students in school, and we integrate many diverse learning materials within our programs. Toronto French tutors at Learning Tree Tutors make learning an enjoyable experience, using games, drama, and music to attract young learners.
Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. After school or on weekends. Choose 1 or 2 Days/times for regular weekly sessions. Choose your preferred times after 400PM on weekdays or after 1000AM on Saturdays.
FALL semester September 6 to December 16, 2022