The Art in Science - Earth Science | What’s happening in Ft.Worth

The Art in Science - Earth Science

The Art in Science is a unique program developed by a scientist and artist to enrich children in various scientific concepts. In the program, the kids learn various science topics with hands-on activities that turn into interesting artworks pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind.

In every lesson, we will study a new concept in chemistry and perform an experiment that will end up being an artwork. Subjects covered are absorption, chromatography, chemical reaction, state of matter, diffusion, and many more.

We have 3 Earth Science classes - each one has 5 lessons. Each lesson is a stand-alone and no prerequisites are needed. You can register to any class - no specific order is required, or you can drop into any of the lessons.



Lesson 1 Plate Tectonics
Lesson 2 Earthquakes
Lesson 3 Volcanos
Lesson 4 Soil Layers
Lesson 5 The Rock Cycle



Lesson 1 The Atmosphere
Lesson 2 Wind speed
Lesson 3 Weather Instruments
Lesson 4 Rain and Rainbows
Lesson 5 Clouds


Water and More

Lesson 1 Layers of the Ocean
Lesson 2 The Water Cycle
Lesson 3 Water Erosion
Lesson 4 Iceberg ad glaciers
Lesson 5 Renewable energy
Appropriate ages: 
Early Elementary School
Virtual resource
Class Main Type: 
Resource Type: 
Learning resource (class, curriculum, online tutoring, lecture series, etc.)
Class Subject(s): 
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
There is a cost for this resource: 